понедельник, 2 октября 2017 г.

Photo report: group tour "Oriental Dastarkhan", September 2017.

Route: Tashkent - Urgench - Khiva - Bukhara - Samarkand - Tashkent.
It was delicious and interesting! 😊

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Gastronomic tour "Oriental Dastarkhan"

Detailed description of the tour look here:

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